Ok, so I was actually rolling my eyes when the 'cons latched onto Hillary Rosen's comment...out of context as usual for the 'cons, about Ann Romney never working a day in her life. Yes, I know that Ms. Rosen was speaking about what Mitt said, that he gets Ann to interpret what women are saying for him because he, umm...doesn't speak wimmentalk, but I'll let that slide for right now.
No, the right has had a field day and played the very old SAHM vs. working mom(cuz we don't deserve capitals in our stereotype) and how SAHM's are undervalued by the "liberals"...and, by the way, the republicons since they've always fought against putting a $ amount to what a housewife does, but cons are great at mouth service, just not actual praise/assistance.
So, from a real working mom(as is Hillary Rosen), the truth is that Ann Romney was born into privilege, married into privilege and the worst problem she's had, in regard to SAHM, is which home are they staying at this month? Don't know about the rest of you, but I don't think I know anyone that owns 5 residences.
And that was the reason for Hillary Rosen's comment. Not trying to slam Ann Romney as a SAHM, but because she has absolutely no idea how the other 98% of us survive. Ann Romney has never had to decide between buying gas or dinner, paying the electric bill now, because we can live without a phone if that gets turned off. Telling her kids that its more special for mom to make them their birthday cake instead of getting a store bought one when the truth is mom can't afford the store bought cake. Those are the economics of a home that doesn't make $20 M annually...or even $20K sometimes.
And this comment of Mitt's(about Ann telling him what women want) was to hide the other very real fact of the republicon's war on contraception and women's rights. Let's rehash for a minute:
Regarding Mitt and not only his flip-floppiness, but his outright lies. Although Mitt came to the defense of his wife's "choice" and SAHM's all over the country, that isn't what he said in January. Now, its true, he was talking about icky nasty poor mothers, but considering more and more of us "middle class" moms became welfare recipients during the Bush recession, how does that play for truth? So, what Mitt actually means is that if you are filthy rich, you can make that choice, but otherwise, "Get to work, you lazy trollop!"? Hmmm....the "dignity of work" for poor mothers does not include taking care of their children. He also said, in his senate race against Ted Kennedy that we no longer have the luxury to have the choice of SAHM in many occasions because its a "new world". And then the Mitt Romney staff gaf on the press conference call about the Lily Ledbetter law and if the Mittster agreed with it....dead silence....and then the caribou barbie answer, "Will have to get back to ya on that." Really???
First, the republicons refuse to allow women to speak about contraception in the congress, then one of the republicon rabid dog, Rush, attacks a private citizen in a 9 hour attack, calling her a "whore", "slut", "prostitute", among other things...and what do the 'cons do? Well, Mitt said he wouldn't have chosen those words, but the right did not tell the rabid mutt to calm down, or that they thought it was wrong, nope....not a peep.
Then we have all of these bills, both in the states and in the federal congress. There have been over 100 bills just trying to limit abortion since the teabaggers "took over" the 'cons...and nary a one on jobs. There was the Blunt amendment to allow all businesses and health care providers to "opt out" of covering birth control, We have the states voting on laws to ensure to humiliate women if they want an abortion, to allow doctors to lie to their patients about procedures if the woman might want an abortion, or the emotional rape of having a metal rod stuck up her vagina for the "transvaginal probe sonogram" that is mandatory now is some states. And we have an overabundance of bills that want to limit birth control--not just to single women, but married ones also...and here I thought republican men liked sex...they've had more than their share of sex scandals...the right has been all over limiting the rights of women to reproductive rights, health care, job safety, pay equity, job equity. Hillary Rosen's comment was about economic inequality and the right's consistent war on women.
I'm a mom, grandmother, dog lover and a union activist for at least 30 years. I've picketed, protested, negotiated for the little guy, the guy that just wants a decent job to support his/her family and be able to retire without worrying about where the next meal is coming from.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
The Friday alert from the National Alliance of Retired Americans:
Wall Street Journal Gives Lay of the Land on Senior Vote in 2012
The battle for seniors in 2012 is being fought in large part over Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) House Republican budget, according to a story in The Wall Street Journal. The article states that Democrats can regain support from older voters who switched to the GOP in 2008 and 2010 by shedding light on the Republicans’ plans to revamp Medicare (http://on.wsj.com/HM4ulJ).“That ‘revamping’ would be drastic, because it would give seniors a small voucher, or coupon, to purchase coverage in an expensive, unfair private insurance market,” said Edward F. Coyle Executive Director of the Alliance.
According to the Journal, Mitt Romney, the most likely candidate to be the Republican nominee for President, is proving to be a formidable competitor in this battle. Romney has drawn large shares of older voters during the primaries, and recent polls show him ahead of President Obama among seniors in swing states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida. Over the last decade, voters over age 65 have increasingly turned to the GOP - a stark contrast to the Democratic-leaning “Greatest Generation” that preceded them. In 2008, Mr. Obama improved on his party's 2004 showing among every age group, except seniors. An analysis by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center for the People and the Press concluded that those over-65 are now “more conservative on social issues, angrier about the direction of the country and more uneasy about the growth of diversity in the U.S. than younger generations.”
“We need to draw attention to the GOP plan to end Medicare as we know it. Conservatives broadly support doing that, but moderates and independents are wary of it,” said Mr. Coyle.
Wisconsin Alliance Welcomes Secretary Sebelius to Milwaukee Senior Center
About 250 seniors turned out in Milwaukee on Wednesday for a discussion with the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Kathleen Sebelius. The Secretary was at the Washington Park Senior Center to draw attention to the provisions in health care reform that benefit the 49 million people - including 650,000 in Wisconsin - who are covered by Medicare. Wisconsin Alliance President Leon Burzynski facilitated a panel discussion on the Affordable Care Act at the event. According to HHS, 59,345 people in Wisconsin received a 50% discount on prescription drugs when they hit the doughnut hole last year, with savings averaging $639 a person, and a total savings of $37.9 million statewide.
White House Derides Health Care Study
White House officials expressed disdain for a new study released by policy analyst Charles Blahous, who was a special assistant for economic policy in the George W. Bush administration. Blahous claims that the 2010 health care law will add $340 billion to the deficit. Jeanette Lambrew, President Obama’s deputy assistant for health policy, asserts that the claim fits old patterns of mischaracterizations about the Affordable Care Act and that official estimates show the health care law will ultimately reduce the deficit (http://bit.ly/HDkhpt).On Tuesday, presidential press secretary Jay Carney referred to Blahous’ report as “obviously a partisan analysis.” Carney pointed to estimates from the Congressional Budget Office and the Office of Management and Budget indicating that the Affordable Care Act would reduce the deficit over the first 10 years and dramatically over the next 10 years.
Rep. Allen West Says That Dozens of his Democratic Colleagues are Communists
Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) warned constituents at a Tuesday town hall event that he's “heard” that 80 of his Democratic colleagues in the House are members of the Communist Party, the Palm Beach Post reported. There are currently 190 House Democrats.“As a Representative from a state with such a large senior population, Rep. West should instead be focusing on strengthening Medicare and Social Security,” said Ruben Burks, Secretary-Treasurer of the Alliance. “He has a zero lifetime voting record with the Alliance, and these ideological side shows are distracting him from what his constituents really need.”
A tea party favorite, Rep. West made news in 2011 by saying, “…I was the only black member of a white supremacist motorcycle gang.” (http://bit.ly/sU3KJg).
Alliance Members Work to Save America’s Postal Service
Alliance members turned out on Thursday to support the National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC), which had put together events across the country in order to save America's Postal Service. NALC held the demonstrations outside of Senate offices in order to put pressure on each senator to oppose S. 1789, a Senate bill scheduled to be voted on as soon as next week. If S. 1789 were to become law, it would hurt retirees and the Postal Service by putting an end to six-day mail delivery in two years, while phasing out door-to-door mail delivery. Many retirees receive their needed prescriptions by mail, and these proposed changes would threaten their well-being. Alliance members also called their senators about the legislation on Thursday.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Facts are just evil Liberal icky things!
There are many times in these days of tea party (anti) reality or misinformation(in my world, that's called lies) that I just have to take a deep breath and shake my head...and this misinformation(or lies) has infected our nation. We all saw the teabaggers with their signs saying, "Keep your government off of my Medicare/Social Security!" and the more informed of us thought, "How stupid can a person be to not know that both of those programs are government programs", but this is where we've gotten ourselves to and its time to educate each other with facts, not talking points.
Social security is broke, medicare is broke, rich people need larger tax cuts so they can make more jobs(12 years of tax cuts have lost jobs, not created them). We hear the fear mongering daily, but what is the truth? Facts seem to be, for the right, evil liberal icky things...Glad you asked:
I think a good place to start with facts would be Social Security:
So, there's a list of facts, not fear mongering sound bytes. We need to educate ourselves and our families and friends to truth, so we are armed for the next onslaught of attacks on benefits we have earned and should be proud to have earned, not shamed into allowing them to disappear...so the uber rich can pay less taxes.
Social security is broke, medicare is broke, rich people need larger tax cuts so they can make more jobs(12 years of tax cuts have lost jobs, not created them). We hear the fear mongering daily, but what is the truth? Facts seem to be, for the right, evil liberal icky things...Glad you asked:
I think a good place to start with facts would be Social Security:
Social Security Myth Buster from the Alliance for Retired Americans
Social security is driving up the federal deficit
Social security doesn't add to the federal budget, it is fully funded by us, American workers. It is funded directly by payroll contributions from workers and employers, not tax funds.Social Security trust fund is just a bunch of worthless IOU's!
The US Treasury bonds owned by the trust fund are the same as any other Treasury obligation, they are just as real as the ones that George Bush, among other rich right wing individuals, corporations and other governments own. In fact, Treasury bonds are listed as assets in financial profiles by rich people, corporations and governments--why does the right call them worthless IOU's when the little people own them? OH....a lie....Social Security is going broke!
There is $2.7 trillion in the trust fund and is projected to grow to $3.7 by 2022. It is not going broke, its NOT in the red. It is paying out more in benefits than it is collecting in contributions, but the interest Social Security makes off of the Treasury bonds(you know, those worthless IOU's) makes up the difference. Similar shortfalls have occurred over 15 times since the 60's and congress has made changes to the program over time, but it has not cut back on benefits, rather congress has always opted to change the salary cap. What's the salary cap? I you make less than $106,000 per year, you pay FICA tax on every dollar. If you make $1 million? You still only pay FICA tax on the first $106,000--that's the salary cap. The cap has been changed to reflect salary changes through out Social Security history. The republican led congress doesn't want to change the salary cap, it wants to cut benefits---another lie.Everybody needs to sacrifice. Cut senior's COLA's!
The cost of living adjustments(COLA) helps keep retirees with inflation. The average retirement benefit is around $1100, that's not exhorbinant, specially considering how gas and food have sky-rocketed this last year. BUT there are proposals to cut the COLA by moving it to a chained CPI(formula used to calculate the COLA). According to Social Security Actuaries, this would mean an immediate benefit cut and this cut would compound over time. This CPI ignores the true needs of America's retirees and tries to balance the budget on our seniors!People are living longer, so it makes sense to raise the retirement age
Yes, life expectancy seems to have gotten better, but the facts(there's that evil liberal icky thing again) show that the reason life expectancy has lengthened, its because infant, child mortality has improved as well as a significant decrease in women dying in childbirth(that's cuz of those evil liberal things like pre-natal/neo-natal care and programs such as WIC)...its not that we are living longer, its because babies aren't dying. Another FACT is that average retirees are living abut the same amount of time as they were in the 1930's; the retirement age has been moved to 67. Raising it higher would just push retirement completely out of reach for many Americans.What about means testing? We could cut benefits for Millionaires
The majority of Social security beneficiaries are not millionaires, only about 2% of benefits go to individuals with earnings over $100,000. To actually get any savings from means testing, it would need to hit people with incomes around $40,000---the middle class. Again, if you want to make it more equitable, scrap the cap(salary cap).Illegal Immigrants are ripping off Social Security!
Illegal immigrants are ineligible to receive benefits(since 1996). In fact(evil liberal icky thing) undocumented workers contribute about $7 billion annually in FICA taxes which they are not allowed to claim.Social Security is a burden to our youth
The burdens that youth have are no jobs, stagnant wages, student loan debt and a shift from traditional pensions to 401(k) plans. If anything, our youth will rely much more on social security than we do! We need to talk to them about the benefits of Social Security for old and young alike(survivor benefits, SSI) instead of pushing for cuts to Social security.So, there's a list of facts, not fear mongering sound bytes. We need to educate ourselves and our families and friends to truth, so we are armed for the next onslaught of attacks on benefits we have earned and should be proud to have earned, not shamed into allowing them to disappear...so the uber rich can pay less taxes.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
President gets to sign a bill!!!! STOCK act
Today, President Obama signed into law the Stock Act. This act means that congress and their staff must now obey the same rules on insider trading as the rest of us do! Well, close to it, anyway.
Now, why is this a big deal? Because there was bi-partisan support for the bill! It got through the do nothing house and there wasn't a filibuster in the senate. It's like the republicans decided to govern instead of act like toddlers that need a nap after too much sugar(and are just yelling, "NONONONONO!")
The STOCK(Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge) Act stops members of Congress, their families, their staff and executive branch employees from using inside information they garner from their positions to trade stocks and securities and limits them from buying stock in initial public offerings to those that are also open to the general public.
But WAIT, there's more!
The STOCK Act updates the 1978 Ethics in Government Act and improves the transparency of personal financial disclosure statements. Some of the improvements include:
Now, when are we gonna get that bill out of committee on the DISCLOSE Act and Citizen's United pimping?
Now, why is this a big deal? Because there was bi-partisan support for the bill! It got through the do nothing house and there wasn't a filibuster in the senate. It's like the republicans decided to govern instead of act like toddlers that need a nap after too much sugar(and are just yelling, "NONONONONO!")
The STOCK(Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge) Act stops members of Congress, their families, their staff and executive branch employees from using inside information they garner from their positions to trade stocks and securities and limits them from buying stock in initial public offerings to those that are also open to the general public.
But WAIT, there's more!
The STOCK Act updates the 1978 Ethics in Government Act and improves the transparency of personal financial disclosure statements. Some of the improvements include:
- By September, Congress is required to make personal financial disclosure reports filed by executive branch hi-level employees, lawmakers, candidates and congressional employees on the web.
- Starting in July, transactions previously reported annually must be reported within 45 days. Prior to this law, a stock purchase/sale might not be made public for up to 18 months, depending on when it was bought/sold.
- By the end of 9/13, information contained in personal financial disclosures will be made available as a downloadable database.
Now, when are we gonna get that bill out of committee on the DISCLOSE Act and Citizen's United pimping?
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