To begin with, Bigotty Chicken's(much easier to spell) pres. Dan Cathy stated that he believed in only heterosexual marriage and that his company was founded on "biblical principles". Now, if that was the end, there may have been a bit of a backlash, but that's not all Cathy has done with his business...he's also donated millions of $$(company profits, of course) to homophobic "charities" and sites. So, some people were mad, some prolly said things they shouldn't have, but....
Then the Muppets left! Now, Lisa Henson issued a statement on FaceBook:
- "The Jim Henson Company has celebrated and embraced diversity and inclusiveness for over 50 years and we have notified Chick-fil-a that we do not wish to partner with them on any future endeavors".
I think that was very professional, just a difference of values, the Muppets want all people to treated fairly and they would donate any money they made through Bigotty Chicken to GLAAD...and what did Bigotty Chicken do? Act Christian? Nope...they lied and said the toys were being terminated due to "safety issues" issues???? SAFETY ISSUES????? What? Were they worried that the toys were put together by gay guys???? And, really...hadn't any of them watched Sesame Street? Bert and Ernie???? Well, I guess that shows that lying is just fine by Bigotty Chicken. I always thought that Thou shalt not Lie was part of the commandments....must not be one of the Biblical values they care about, eh?
And now we have huckabee squirrel and Caribou Barbie getting some more seconds of fame by chirping in---huck with a Bigotty Chicken day and Caribou Barbie with her hands full of bigotty bags and expounding on how good it is to have a company that believes in the bible....and how they believe in the bible...and of course, the fundies are out in droves because, as they see(or hear it), their religion is getting persecuted again(yawn)...and they must defend!
I would just like to know how being a bigot and being called on it is considered religious persecution? Yes, there is fall back on Bigotty Chicken, they will lose some customers, but that's the downside of free speech, not religious persecution. No one was threatening to burn the bigotty chicken church, just not eat their food. Is the idea of critical thinking so foreign to fundies that they can't see anything outside of their religious bubble? OK, so that really doesn't need an answer.
But then there's another part of the Bigotty Chicken story. Seems that they've had other "biblical" revelations with employees...
In 2002, Bigotty Chicken settled a lawsuit with a manager they had fired due to him not praying to Jesus at a training seminar. He's Muslim--so...the first amendment only protects Bigotty's rights to be free from religious persecution and, in fact, allows them to persecute others?
And right now, there is a woman who has filed a lawsuit, stating that she was fired because the manager decided she should be a stay at home mother....and replaced her with a man. Up until this time, her job performance was rated as satisfactory or, gender discrimination is just part of Bigotty's religious rights????
Yes, that's only two claims, but usually, when dealing with fast food places, most people don't have the time or money to file suits...many more around, just not filed.
And why is it that its just find for the Million Mom March(or 20 people with computers) can demand a boycott on JC Penney's for having Ellen DeGeneres advertise their products, but its not OK for liberal folk to boycott Bigotty Chicken? Oh, again, I guess its that Constitution that they feel only covers them...
What is ironic is that although there were a couple of politicians who came out about refusing to allow Bigotty Chicken in, they've all apologized and said that they didn't mean they'd discriminate...after the ACLU and Mother Jone's mag came out telling them they were wrong, that was illegal, but Bigotty Chicken is still playing the poor me card.
Me? I've only been at Chic-fil-a once and found the place a bit horrifying...very loud music--xtian metal--screaming about eating the body and blood of Christ...right as I took a bite out of an overcooked, only warm sandwich....I decided right there I was never going back. Church's and Popeye's have much better food and I'm not forced to have my eardrums blown out about somebody else's sick fairy tales. See, I can do that, I don't have to eat or spend my money at places I feel aren't worth it...and that's all a boycott is sayin'.