Larry worked at the max prison in the southern part of the state to earn his retirement benefits and he takes his benefits seriously. He also takes seriously how Mr. Rauner has been demeaning us in the press and receiving little to no push back. Don't worry, Larry can push back. Hard. With those silly little things called facts.
So...Mitt, er, Bruce Rauner decided to go to southwestern Illinois to speak to state employees and retirees about how he wants to "help" them. Larry was present at the meeting.
Mr. Rauner came out with a prepared statement, he was trying to garner some grassroots troops. The question and answer session lasted about 90 minutes and to his credit, did try to answer questions from the audience. He did say that he thought that SB 1(the pension theft bill) was "unconstitutional"; that doesn't mean he wouldn't support cutting our benefits, he actually thought it didn't go far enough, considering some of his comments in the media and his calls to Republican leaders in the General Assembly to vote against the bill, partially because he wants larger cuts and partially just as a black eye to the Dems.
Larry asked about SB1313, which AFSCME is also litigating and was signed into law in 2012. For those of you who don't know or remember, this is the bill that attacked retirees' health care. Now, I don't expect everyone to know this, but...if you're running for governor....Mr. Rauner had that deer in headlights look and told Larry(after Larry explained the law to him), "You gotta be kidding me, I'll have to check it out." Maybe we all need to start carrying fact sheets with us, eh? Help out Mr. Rauner's knowledge base?
So, more about pensions. Mr. Rauner stated he wanted a "Two-Tier" pension...Larry, again, informed him that Illinois has a two tier pension, since January of 2011. Mr. Rauner, "We do?" Yes, we do. So, we now know that what Mitt's talking about is a Three tier system; his idea is that those that are retired, their defined benefit pensions aren't changed. If you're still working, the defined benefit stops the day he takes office--for all, whether you are coordinated with Social Security or not. And from that day forward? Employees will be expected to figure out the stock market and use a (private) financial planner to get a 401K. You know the type, the hedge fund managers charge their fees and make $$$$ while the small investor watches his/her ability to retire get smaller and smaller because of "market forces". The other part of this silly idea that Mr. Rauner didn't address is if we have no funding from our working brothers and sisters(State and University employees pay up to 14% of their salary into the pension fund), if they are now playing on the market, how do you keep the pension fund solvent for the older retirees?
Mr. Rauner also wanted to assure the retirees and employees he was speaking to that he didn't have any problem with them, it was those corrupt "union bosses". So, Larry asks him, "Why are you mad at me?" Mr. Rauner stated he wasn't, he was against the bosses. They make the decision to fund corrupt politicians with your union dues. Larry informed him that he was a union boss, he was democratically elected and represents over 27,000 retirees in the state of Illinois and that the dues, by law, cannot be used as political contributions. Larry went on to tell Mr. Rauner that AFSCME does have a voluntary deduction for our Political Action Committee, called PEOPLE, but we also vote democratically, both the active and retired employees, on who we will or will not support. Larry asked Mr. Rauner if his company gave political contributions. Mr. Rauner answered yes. Larry asked him if those contributions were voted on by all of the workers in a democratic fashion. We all know the answer to that question, don't we?
So, it seems that Mr. Rauner has very little knowledge of what is law, what is being litigated in the state of Illinois, and very little knowledge on how unions function. And he's being touted as the front runner? He can't even figure out his own taxes(he took 3 property tax exemptions instead of just one), doesn't know that "union bosses" are democratically elected, doesn't know about litigation that will affect his governance, if elected, doesn't know that there are laws that make it illegal for his idea of "union bosses" handing money to politicians.
Can we really want someone who is so stupid about how the government is run our government?????
I do understand, Quinn ain't the public's savior, but he's not trying to sell off Illinois. No one spends as much money as Mr. Rauner has on his campaign and expects nothing from it.
Larry asked about SB1313, which AFSCME is also litigating and was signed into law in 2012. For those of you who don't know or remember, this is the bill that attacked retirees' health care. Now, I don't expect everyone to know this, but...if you're running for governor....Mr. Rauner had that deer in headlights look and told Larry(after Larry explained the law to him), "You gotta be kidding me, I'll have to check it out." Maybe we all need to start carrying fact sheets with us, eh? Help out Mr. Rauner's knowledge base?
So, more about pensions. Mr. Rauner stated he wanted a "Two-Tier" pension...Larry, again, informed him that Illinois has a two tier pension, since January of 2011. Mr. Rauner, "We do?" Yes, we do. So, we now know that what Mitt's talking about is a Three tier system; his idea is that those that are retired, their defined benefit pensions aren't changed. If you're still working, the defined benefit stops the day he takes office--for all, whether you are coordinated with Social Security or not. And from that day forward? Employees will be expected to figure out the stock market and use a (private) financial planner to get a 401K. You know the type, the hedge fund managers charge their fees and make $$$$ while the small investor watches his/her ability to retire get smaller and smaller because of "market forces". The other part of this silly idea that Mr. Rauner didn't address is if we have no funding from our working brothers and sisters(State and University employees pay up to 14% of their salary into the pension fund), if they are now playing on the market, how do you keep the pension fund solvent for the older retirees?
Mr. Rauner also wanted to assure the retirees and employees he was speaking to that he didn't have any problem with them, it was those corrupt "union bosses". So, Larry asks him, "Why are you mad at me?" Mr. Rauner stated he wasn't, he was against the bosses. They make the decision to fund corrupt politicians with your union dues. Larry informed him that he was a union boss, he was democratically elected and represents over 27,000 retirees in the state of Illinois and that the dues, by law, cannot be used as political contributions. Larry went on to tell Mr. Rauner that AFSCME does have a voluntary deduction for our Political Action Committee, called PEOPLE, but we also vote democratically, both the active and retired employees, on who we will or will not support. Larry asked Mr. Rauner if his company gave political contributions. Mr. Rauner answered yes. Larry asked him if those contributions were voted on by all of the workers in a democratic fashion. We all know the answer to that question, don't we?
So, it seems that Mr. Rauner has very little knowledge of what is law, what is being litigated in the state of Illinois, and very little knowledge on how unions function. And he's being touted as the front runner? He can't even figure out his own taxes(he took 3 property tax exemptions instead of just one), doesn't know that "union bosses" are democratically elected, doesn't know about litigation that will affect his governance, if elected, doesn't know that there are laws that make it illegal for his idea of "union bosses" handing money to politicians.
Can we really want someone who is so stupid about how the government is run our government?????
I do understand, Quinn ain't the public's savior, but he's not trying to sell off Illinois. No one spends as much money as Mr. Rauner has on his campaign and expects nothing from it.