Sunday, July 14, 2013

Zimmerman gets away with murder, and America Loses Again

I was watching one of my favorite shows on Friday, Real Time with Bill Maher, but I had to turn it off because of some of the racist/bigoted remarks of his guest from the Daily Caller(a right wing "white is best, white male is even better rag). First, the racist began with his whiny rant about black on black crime running rampant, which is racist speak for, "Don't look at the cracker killing a black boy". It also shows how shallow their intellectual ability is, considering that we have ensured a large majority of African Americans stay in poverty, by our laws, by our school policies, by our white ability to assimilate, but making sure our Black citizens must still play by "The Help" rules in many instances.
What is this about racist White males that wanna whine about black on black crime? Sure, lets not look at how many African Americans are treated in everyday white America(Driving while black, hey, now, even walking while black, stop and frisk, police harassment), just point your finger and yell, "SHAMESHAMESHAME" and say that we white liberals should talk about it? REALLY???? Cuz I know you don't want me to tell you what I think...well since you whined....
Black on Black crime happens because of how the majority white race has treated the black race since the beginning of our history--lynchings, mob beatdowns, tying black men to pickup trucks and dragging them for miles(and that was within this century)...and we white folks have no problem cannibalizing our own, we've treated Irish, Italians, Germans, Eastern Europeans the same way when they first came over, but its much easier to blend in when all you have to do is lose an accent and "Americanize" your name. Before we "White Liberals" need to speak on black on black crime, we all need to address how we've treated people of color since we stepped on Plymouth Rock...and how we treat the poor in rural White America. Or when we White Americans are going to address the problem of pedophilia, which is, for the most part, a crime of white married men who prey on children(over 80% of pedophiles are white married males). As a white person, I don't have the right to speak on Black and Black crime until there is equality in our economic/societal status. What does that mean? When both I and a black woman of the same age can enter a store and neither of us be followed by the store security, then maybe I can ; it's a fairly decent idea. 
But, then we're getting into white know that whole thing that was stopped cuz of a very small affirmative action(there are no affirmative action tests or interviews). The reason that our white children can walk down the street and not be stopped, but black children can be harassed whether they are wearing the "ghetto look" or a tie and suit....both will be stopped because of the color of their skin. That's REALITY
George Zimmerman lived at least on the edge of white privilege, Trayvon? Knew what it meant. In all probability, Trayvon understood how not to raise the deal about being in a white neighborhood, but he was just walking back from the 7/11...talking on his phone, doing normal teenage things until he noticed a "creepy guy" following him. Trayvon also had a GPA of 3.7, he'd won a full scholarship, something that George Zimmerman could only dream of. One that was on the phone to the police department, calling him a punk and a "f***ing c**n", yes, Zimmerman is the epitome of diversity...diversity of racial derision.
My son is bi-racial, he is my heart. But society? Well he "looks white" a point('cept for his hair- red and nappy), he's faced being called a "wigga" in our yuppie high school and other incidents; now, my son has his own issues(feels that "fuck" is the adjective for everything and has a redheaded temper on steroids), but he's also one that takes care of others, smarter than most and has a wicked sense of humor. But when he'd walk out my door, my heart would drop because I knew there could be an "incident". I don't think white mothers feel this as strongly, not that we don't, but we don't face half the trials that black mothers must face.
I know how society treats do, both Trayvon and George Zimmerman. Yes, both were on the outside looking in(just look at George Zimmerman-I know he was the kid that was the target of spit balls!), and although Trayvon had his brushes with "authority"(getting suspended for marijuana), I think he did better at acclimating and I think that was probably because of his parents' support and guidance, his parents loved him, cared for him, tried to raise him as a kind, knowledgeable young man. Was he perfect? Nope, not what I'm saying, but from interviews held in his school, with his friends, most remembered him as the one that had a smile and a good word. Zimmerman's parents? His father wrote a racist ebook...tells you where George got his views, doesn't it? Zimmerman already had some problems in the world due to his views(fired as a bouncer, failed police interview, etc.), seemed to feel fairly impotent at life in general.
Now, logically, I understand that the police/prosecution did a very poor job with the crime scene and other forensic information, but then, they weren't going to file charges, remember? It was only some black teen that got himself shot by a white guy. They were forced to charge George with something...I mean he was just doing his civic "whiteman" duty of protectin' the liddle wimmen, wasn't he? Again, I don't mean all white men, but we know the type, don't we? Well, this is what we project in American society.
And society's place in all this? Well, we're taught from an early age to be afraid of the "other"---whether that "other" be a different skin color, religion, ethnicity(how many derogatory terms can my white friends come up for different white ethnic groups?). We're taught, in society that it's OK to objectify/ignore people who are female, gay, old, young(well as in children) because they don't matter as much as white males(of a certain age). And white males that don't become "that certain age"? Whether its due to their inability to achieve(education, personality,etc.), what they choose to do(occupation of choice doesn't integrate with the skill set) or where or how they choose to live, this type(think most of Fox Noise personalities) find a way to blame everyone else for their shortcomings...and we allow it. Its time to make everyone act like adults and start shaming those that exist on stereotypes, ignorance and hatred. Obviously the blather about a "post-racial America" isn't worth the oxygen it uses to say it. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, my sister, for writing from your heart & saying what needs to be said over & over & over again until hearts & minds might finally get it.
    I am still on the verge of tears every time I see Trayvon's face, & overcome with anger & loathing for the racist murderer & anyone who supports him.
