Sunday, January 5, 2014

Illinois Politics, the Newest Soap Opera

In Illinois we are facing a very dark gubernatorial election; Governor Pat Quinn on the Democratic side and the four Stooges on the Republican side: third timer State Senator Pat Brady(the author of the "KILL THE PUPPIES" bill fame--he authored a bill that would allow mass euthanasia of shelter dogs by gas chamber), State Senator Kirk Dillard(who used to be a moderate republican, now has become a SKY IS FALLING teabagger shill), State Treasurer Dan Rutherford and capitalist Bruce Rauner.
OK, so now you know how much respect I have for them, but I'm not supposed to, I'm the Union Thug Gramma! Oh, but there's not much love going on in the republican camps either....
Seems there's a new attack ad against Kirk Dillard, who, in many ways has been written off as a "has-been" because of how he ran so far to the right after the 2010 primary. Even tho he's had trouble raising money, mainly because of this turnabout from moderate to batshit crazy rightwing nutjob(OK, I'll take the nutjob back, he really isn't), that the right doesn't know which Kirk Dillard is going to show up for the governor's mansion. But, it seems that someone is trying to muddy the waters. See, Dillard has always said that Jim Edgar(Governor after Thompson, during the 90's--one term) and this video first uses the song, "I touch Myself" from the 90's and ends with saying this video was brought to you by Kirk Dillard and friends at MSI--which was a soft core scandal of Edgars that surfaced in 2000.
And then, there's the new group, Republican Fund for Progress and Jobs that just recently formed. The Head of this group is the former Aaron Schock Chief of Staff, Steven Shearer, Schock is another teabagger(aka batshit crazy) who is supposed to represent Peoria and Springfield(among other areas) in congress, but can't seem to ever make it out to his Peoria office, feeling much more comfortable in what could be called Illinois' beltway-Springfield. Now, this new group is saying they are just trying to educate voters about the candidates, but when Schock was thinking about running for Governor, Rauner paid for attack ads against him. Think maybe that might come back to haunt him? I hope so.
Now, Rauner has gotten the endorsement of the Cook County Republican Party(wow, all 30 of them?), but it still may become a primary Heathers trap---real bloody and lots of bad publicity. 
And that's fine with me. Let's get the red meat out now and hope that people vote for someone who actually cares about the people of Illinois, not just the bottom dollar of campaign funds.
OH. The other big high school drama is "WHO'S BEING NICE TO DEMOCRATS...EWWWWWW" There have been push issues about Dillard giving less than $1000 to the Obama Inauguration Fund, not his campaign fund, but after he was elected. A whole $ 924. Like that was gonna make a difference, what, you think that paid for a table of republicans to go to the balls? The way the batshit crazy rightwing media is spinning it, you'd think that Dillard financed Obama's presidential campaign by himself!
On the other hand we have Rauner...who has given truckloads to Rahm Immanuel and,{PERISH THE THOUGHT} maybe even MIKE MADIGAN(OK, I feel I need drama music) and all of this will be coming out.
OK, gotta admit, love the hysterical drama queen persona of the republicant party when they turn it on themselves. Seems to fit well.

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