Thursday, August 14, 2014

SCOTUS: American Sharia Law

For the last 6 years, I've been listening to hysterics on the right screaming about stupid things they think President Obama will do: FEMA camps,government implants, taking everyone's guns away, Sharia Law. None of these things have happened due to President Obama, but now, the Supreme Court reactionary justices are enacting christian sharia law....
In at least 2 of the latest 5-4 decisions, the right wing men of the Supreme Court have ruled that women are less than men. We are not worth being treated the same as men, we deserve to be less than men because of the old catholic right wing guys majority.
First the Massachusetts case: The Supreme Court, in a 5/4 decision(like that's a surprise) declared the Massachusetts buffer zone of 35 feet at abortion clinics against the constitution because it did not allow the protesters their right of free speech. By the way, the Supreme Court is just fine with a 100 foot buffer zone at the Supreme Court...hmmm.....
The reason this law was enacted at 35 feet was due to murders that occurred at the hand of those people who allegedly value live fetuses, but have no problem killing live men and women who feel they have the ability to make decisions for themselves...or work at a clinic. So SCOTUS seems to feel that its more important for protesters to be able to scream and spit into the faces of women than the women's right to safety and LIFE. Oh I forget, only fetuses have a right to life. And, as I said before,  the Supreme Court buffer zone is almost 3 times that of MA abortion clinic, 100 feet. Guess if we have something to say to justices, we need a bullhorn...or maybe they have psychic, mind reading abilities.
Although the anti-abortion groups are having orgasms over this ruling, it does not take down every state's buffer rule(most are less than 35 feet), but they feel they're mowing them all down. Even tho the ruling does state that the Massachusetts zone was being found unconstitutional because of the length. Not like the groups understand nuance or anything after they hear "we win"....
So, after SCOTUS ruled that it's just fine to assault, intimidate, spit at, attack, even kill women walking into a Women's Health Center, they go on to make sure that more women may end up in that clinic.
But, remember those old guys who voted against a safety zone for women and workers? They feel that they still deserve a 100 foot safety zone from The People.

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