Monday, February 9, 2015

Rauner: Cake for my buddies, Crumbs for the rest of Illinois!

Since Mr. Rauner took the governor's office in January, he's been giving his whiny stump speeches about how he didn't know how horrible the state finances were, he kept falling on the fainting couch, clutching his pearls, crying, "No one told me it was as bad as THIS!!!!" Guess he reads as much as Sarah Palin does if he didn't know some basic facts about Illinois' revenue stream. Remember this is someone who allegedly has a great education, has made millions, maybe even billions of dollars, but doesn't know that state of the state he's running in?
Or, is this just a ruse, blame Quinn, say he didn't know and then say, as he did before the polling numbers plummeted on his plans, that he needs to raise taxes(mainly on middle, working, lower class--you know the 90% of us that don't make our salary from capital gains and interest income)...oh, and even in this horrible state, cut taxes for the uber rich and corporations. How stupid are you if you didn't see this coming????
I think it may be time for an overview of what he's said and what he's done since took office:
Prior to office, said he wanted the general assembly and governor NOT to vote on anything that would effect his term, and, except for the death of Judy Barr Topinka, they didn't...and he's whined about it. He just found out that OMG! Illinois doesn't bring in enough revenue....and look at all these bills!
Prior to taking office(but again, after he saw the bashing unions hurt him in the primary), he said he wasn't going after unions. Now? He wants to shut down my right(as a public employee or retiree) to voice my opinion through political donations, cut wages with right to work for less wage zones, and started his "corrupt union bosses" lies...again.
Prior to taking office, he complained about medical marijuana being passed in Illinois, he felt he should have the right to set up a highest bidder scenario for the licenses, complained(loudly) that Quinn hadn't given out any licenses. So, he pushes through a bunch and, what?!?!!? Lo and behold, the applicants hadn't cleared the FBI background check...and one of the people who received a license to handle medical marijuana? A strip club owner who's had brushes with the law in the past...ewww. Maybe there was a reason that Quinn hadn't given out those licenses yet?
Prior to taking office(and since), Rauner yelled about the "overpaid" state employees...and now? He's paying his new, never held a state position, 38% more than Quinn paid his staff, including a chief of staff for his wife(at over $100K a year). His executive assistance is paid 96% more($135,000) than what Quinn paid his assistant($69,000). You can buy alotta cake with those dollars. Guess Rauner forgot that his staff's salaries were also a matter of public record...oops.
So, I keep hearing the Who's ballad,(and I'm paraphrasing), Here's the new boss, same(worse) as the old boss! But, yet, many will be fooled again.

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