Wednesday, August 20, 2014

SCOTUS, Makers of American Sharia Law, Part Two

So, after SCOTUS ruled that it's just fine to assault, intimidate, spit at, attack, even kill women walking into a Women's Health Center, they go on to make sure that more women may end up in that clinic.

First, I'd like to apologize for the next paragraph/rant...just that this really pisses me off.
Yep, I'm referring to the "Hobby Lobby" case. In this case, the plaintiffs make the argument that they should not have to offer certain types of birth control because its against their so called religious beliefs. The plaintiffs feel these are actually abortifacient, even though people with MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC degrees have proven that fairy tale a lie, and because of this LIE, they should not have to pay for them through insurance for their employees. Never mind that they've BEEN paying for these forms of birth control as EARNED benefits the employees have, never mind that the doctors and scientists have proven this is a fallacy, never mind that there is nowhere in the bible that states abortion is or isn't approved by their version of god(and we know that abortion has been around since at least the time of Socrates). Never mind that Hobby Lobby INVESTS in companies that MAKE actual abortifacients...OK for them to make money off of abortion, just not right for employees to receive medical attention for family planning which prevents abortion?????
OK, rant over. Maybe.

First, the batshit crazy rightwing law firm shopped Hobby Lobby to get the "name" status for the lawsuit. See, Hobby Lobby had offered all birth control without a second thought...until the black guy in the white house got a law passed saying that birth control would be covered under the Affordable Care Act. Their religious "crisis" didn't bother them until after the ACA, hmmmm, I smell a rat! Of course, their religious crisis doesn't include spending millions of $$ in China to buy cheap crap to sell either, even tho their money then can be used to pay for abortions in that country.

The case before the Supreme Court ended in its usual 5-4 decision with the catholic males on one side and the fair four on the side of constitutionality. The catholic males also said that this was a very narrow ruling, only dealing with 4 types of birth control and only applied to privately held corporations. Sure.

To begin with, the Affordable Care Act listed 20 types of contraception that must be covered by health insurance offered by businesses. The case that Hobby Lobby was involved in claimed that Plan B, Ella and two types of IUD's were abortifacients which violated their holier than thou religious rights. It didn't matter that all science proves this is not a fact, just cuz the HTT's(Holier Than Thou) believed it, the catholic geezers on SCOTUS went along with it since it gives them a hardon to screw over those that have less.

Justice Alito, who wrote the 5/4 opinion, tried, in the language, to say the scope of this ruling was limited, but then a series of orders released after the ruling show exactly the opposite of "narrow".

The first two dealt with 2 corporations (Autocam and Eden Foods), having catholic owners, by vacating the decisions of the US Appeals Court and said that the Appeals court must rehear the cases due to the Holly Lobby decision. Both of these cases centered around the Appeals Court decision that had rejected that these businesses wanted to eliminate offering any type of the 20 mandated forms of birth control. Even though over 90% of catholic women have used "real" (vs. the "rhythm method") birth control. 

And then, there was the decision that the Wheaton IL college doesn't even have to fill out the form to file a religious objection because it violates their frail religious beliefs to even think about icky birth control/private lady bits. Wheaton College did not want to fill out the form that the United States Government requires which then enables the insurance companies to take on the responsibility of paying for those types of birth control that can offend those of such strong, but frail belief system(cuz they have to think about icky lady bits) and have to be smacked with actual scientific facts that these forms of birth control do not cause abortion. All they have to do is write a letter to HHS, saying, "Bad voo doo for religious people" or something like that.

So, with these decisions, the so-called "narrow ruling" has been broadened considerably and SCOTUS has determined that its OK to discriminate against preventative health care for women. You know the old Dred Scott decision? Separate but equal? Yep, this decision feeds on that type of bad decision of the past.

There is an up side to this. The last time that the right wing treated women in this manner, that we didn't count as much as white males and didn't deserve the protection of laws, we came out and voted. Against them. Hard. So, I hope to see many many women using their voting rights(before they take THOSE away) this November and send a message to the old fogies on SCOTUS. We do MATTER and we're angry with your stupidity and bigotry.

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