Sunday, July 19, 2015

Political Geek Rock Concert, Part 2

After the opening day of the Alliance Conference, I have to say, I was inspired. Now, on Wednesday, July 8, many of the speakers were of the "insider" track, such as our Executive Vice President, Jo Etta Brown. There was also a presentation by Susan Arther, who works with the FINRA Investor Protection Campaign on fighting Financial Fraud. Although she spoke about how seniors are targeted by certain scams, she also spoke about what anyone who is thinking about investing should ask questions before signing anything and making sure to practice saying, "No". I urge all of you to check out the sites above, specially the Fighting Financial Fraud. There's even a link to a free credit check and a lot of information. By the way, do you know who is the most gullible? Those of us who are optimistic, self-reliant when decision making, above average in financial knowledge, income and education...know anyone like that?
We also had Max Fine, member of President Kennedy's(and LBJ) Task Force on Health and Social Security who told the real story of the fight to get Medicare legislated. He relates that the idea behind Medicare was to first help seniors(who were failing horribly in retirement without health insurance and falling deeper and deeper into poverty). In 5 years, the next step would be dropping the age by 10 years...down until all of American Citizens would be covered, but that was thwarted by Viet Nam and the treasonous deal Nixon made to the South Vietnamese to quash the Paris peace talks.

Will Fischer (R) James Gilbert
Will Fischer and James Gilbert, laying a wreath at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Also speaking was Will Fischer, Executive Director of the Union Veterans Council, an AFL-CIO sponsored organization specifying in the union members who are also Veterans and the issues they face. And the Council also has a Facebook page. The page has a lot of good and pertinent information for anyone who is a veteran or has a family member in military service.
So after all of this, it is now 1:30 and time for our breakout sessions. Yep a lot is happening during this week and I think I need a nap! But I didn't I pushed on...for the big show on Thursday...

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Potical Geek Rock Concert! part 1

From July 6, 2015 until July 12, 2015, I was in the party of political rock stars! I was at the Alliance for Retired Americans Legislative Conference(7/7-10) and the AFSCME Retirees Council (7/10-12). Although we did many work sessions (about TPP, strengthening and expanding Social Security, Medicare, Working with Coalitions to name a few), this post is just about the speakers.
What speakers they were! And, of course, I have some excerpts from their speeches, maybe not the most quotable, but I don't have that type of equipment. Also, I'm going to have to use links...cuz blogger's being mean about size....pssssshhhhhh!

We began with a bang with Richard Trumka, President, AFL-CIO who, as usual, knocked it outta the park. Did you know that he was the youngest person elected as President of the United Mine Workers at 33?  He spoke about raising wages for all working folks: youth, women, minorities and white men which, when wages are higher, we all live better and helps secure our retirement future and helps those already retired.
On July 7, we also heard from Nora Super, the Executive Director of the White House Conference on Aging. This conference is held every 10 years, since 1961. The last time it was held was under President Bush, who is the only president who never showed up for the conference, 'magine that? This conference was held by having town hall meetings in 5 areas: Seattle, Cleveland, Phoenix, Boston, and Tampa, along with tele-conferences(over 100). President Obama addressed the Conference on July 13. The link in this paragraph will give you more information about the conference and the President's speech.
Also, "in the house" was the Executive Director of the National Institute on Retirement Security, Diane Oakley, who spoke about it being time to change the conversation from, "baby boomers are going to bankrupt Social Security and Medicare" to one that shows the facts that Boomers offer more to America than seniors in the past due to their community activism and being involved in their community. Also, that it's time to strengthen and expand Social Security and Medicare, not cut as the Republicans in congress are always trying to do. She highlighted the savings crisis that is hurting so many older Americans who, because of no pensions, just 401K plans, lost much of their savings due to the Great Recession of 2008. She spoke about why pensions are still a better bang for the buck for all involved, both employee and employer and how the Laura and John Arnold foundation has been funding many of the pension bashing rants and legislation throughout the country. If you don't know who John Arnold is, he used to run a little energy company called Enron...he didn't ruin enough middle class retirement funds when Enron imploded so he now runs a hedge fund and tries to take down the rest of us who are still holding onto a middle class life. 
This was just the first 3 hours of our conference! Much more to come: Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Sherrod Brown, Debbie Stabenow...and Elizabeth Warren! Yep, Rock Concert...just with talking....see you soon.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tales from Traveling Through the Skies

Today, I travelled to Washington D. C. for the Alliance for Retired Americans Legislative Conference/AFSCME Retiree Conference. My flight, on Southwest, was at 10:25 a.m. so I scheduled a taxi at 7:15 a.m., it usually takes at least 45 minutes to get to Midway from my house and, although I had done a lot of the legwork through the interwebs, I figured I would give myself extra time, if for no reason that it was a Monday and rush hour would be starting around that time.
The taxi shows up at 7 a.m.! I go out, he tells me don't worry, very friendly and personable; he's early(and he wants to have a cigarette anyway). I tell him not to worry about the dogs, they just sound like the hounds of hell and he laughs. So, I'm ready by 7:10 a.m. and we begin our journey.
We start talking about halfway through the trip and he tells me that he has a doberman that is his baby...and then he tells me about his time living in California and a cop killed his dog. He was stopped by a cop(his dog was in the car) who decided that he was speeding and drunk...oh, forgot to tell you that my cabbie was Arab? I think the cop just did a driving while brown....anyway he tells me that the cop tells him that he was speeding, he says, no I wasn't. Cop says, I think you've been drinking. He says, I don't drink(as Muslims do not drink). He tells cop to test him. He does the breathalyzer and passes and cop makes him go through the field sobriety tests anyway....cop then grabs him by the shirt collar...and his dog jumps out of car and starts barking...and cop shoots the dog!
When he goes to court, the ticket is dismissed, the cop is admonished by the judge, but my cabbie(and I) want the cop to pay, but there was nothing he could do to make that happen.
We also discuss how it took less than 30 minutes to get to Midway! Before I leave the cab "Moh"(I'm pretty sure it's short for Mohamed) gives me his info so that if I can't find a ride when I'm back, he'll come and pick me up. I'm here before 8 a.m.! OMG, I'm here before 8 a.m.! Two long hours before my flight....
I check my bag with the sky cabs before I go in to Midway(why would I want to haul it around?) and go into the airport.
Midway is a village of its, shops, even alcohol, but I did feel like Edward Snowden...stuck here until someone allows me to move. But time moved quickly and I like to wander around and see what's available...and I have my tablet and phone so both games and reading kept me occupied.
Southwest does not have assigned seats, they have assigned categories. I bought the ticket under "business select" which are the first to board...I wanted a window seat just cuz I never get a window seat. It was fun, except for the baby a couple of seats behind me...luckily I sat ahead of the wing so I also had the hum of the engine to somewhat level out crying baby. Actually, it didn't bother me and if it did, I could put on my earplugs and nothing would bother me.
One of the reasons I wanted the window seat was to take photos of the clouds from above since I thought the Diva(my 5yo granddaughter) and the neighbor kids(who are 6 & 9) would enjoy it.

 I know the Diva and I have talked about clouds and what they're made of. It's also kinda cool to see the cloud from above and the shadows they cause on the ground.

A little bit of turbulence caused a bumpy ride for about 15 minutes, but we landed early. It's really kind of neat landing at Reagan National because the approach runs over the Potomac and right by the Pentagon.
The plane lands, I pick up my luggage and off to the hotel I go by way of shuttle.

The shuttle driver and I have a nice conversation, what are gas prices in my area(about the same), he points out some of the sights that we don't know and we(the other passengers and I although I got to sit in the front seat) point out the ones we do such as the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial(or back of the Memorial). When we get to the Hilton, the driver points out a plaque that's been placed on the hotel to show? honor? the spot that Reagan was shot...yes, I'm at THAT hotel. One thing that did surprise me was how lush the Capitol is, not only trees, but forests! I look out my window and I think I see more vegetation than buildings which is pretty f**kin awesome!

The garden and driveway below my window
I check in, I'm on the 8th floor, the view is towards the Potomac and DuPont Circle, not that I can see DuPont Circle, I just know its there. Pretty cool place, tho.

The view, looking towards the Potomac.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Mark Kirk, really? "A bro with no ho"

I know this is "late", but as angry as this made me, I thought it best if I waited to complete the post.
As many have heard, Senator Kirk made an oopsie. While near an open mike he was "joking" about Lindsey Graham, John McCain's girlfriend, Ooops, did I say that out loud????
Senator Mark Kirk's 'bro with no ho' remark caught on live microphone ...
Anyways, Senator Kirk, jokingly, stated that Graham is a "bro with no ho". Whilst best, right? But then this arrogant, entitled asshat apologizes and says, "well that's what they say on the south side"! REALLY Mr. Kirk? The "south side"? When the fuck have you been on the "south side"???? What, south of Winnetka??
Now, most media outlets have identified the statement as sexist and racist, but it seems to me that the media has pounced on the sexist claim much harder than pointing out the obvious racial slur that Senator Kirk thought was so funny. Not that he's not had other issues, but those were washed away by his republicon cronies dropped by the media very quickly:
While campaigning for Senator, Kirk said he had come under enemy fire in Iraq, that he ran the war room in the Pentagon and that he was the Navy Intelligence officer of the year. He lied. His unit won the award, not him.
He took credit for ending the Alaskan "Bridge to Nowhere"...another lie.
He called, publicly for the arrest of 18,000 "Gangster Disciples" but admitted that he lied about the number just to shock people.
He also said that he saw "a guy get popped" during a ride along with Chicago's Police Superintendent....Mr. McCarthy later explained that although someone did get shot and it was gang-related, the person didn't die. Another lie.

Now, there are many other stories about Kirk's inability to either tell the truth or calling people names(he called Democratic Senate committee staffers, "little zombies" when the CIA interrogations report was released in 2014), and, now, proof positive that he has no problem with sexist and racist slurs when he thinks no one is listening. His apology was silly and, again, arrogant. I believe that what you say when you think no one is listening is the Senator Kirk? You proved to me that you're the asshole I thought you were and you will race bait when you think it serves your purpose...and you are the one that someone should yell in the Senate, "YOU LIE!"

I also saw that he and the Governor Liar were in Arlington Heights for that parade today. Funny. Most governors always hit Chicago for holidays, not small suburbs...oh, but then the two of them could lie to those people much easier.

Go Tammy Duckworth!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Tales from the DarkSide(Bruce Ruiner's way of politics)

During my travels throughout the lovely Illinois landscape, I pick up some very interesting reports about our illustrious, hard-working, by the bootstraps gov. Or so he'd like us to believe.
So....for those of us who have been involved with working for the state, we know about Governor Quinn denying some contractual pay increases in the last couple of years. This was found not to be very nice and state employees won(yes, through AFSCME) the back pay for those increases.'s been dragging on and on and on.
So fast forward to 2015. There are 2 bills being considered to address the back pay as a supplemental budget item, one from a Democrat(Sue Sherer-Decatur), one Republican(central/downstate who has constituents that have been harmed), and just pay those that are still owed. Much of the back pay has already been paid, let's get it over with and done, right? So, the republican bill goes to committee faster, the roll call is great, everyone wants this to get done, the bill will pass out of committee easily, but....the rep is no where to be found...see, the representative who sponsored the bill has to call the bill before committee--not a co-sponsor, not a committee member, but the republican representative who authored the bill refuses to come to committee. Why? Because the Governor's staff have "reached out" to this representative and told him that he will NOT bring this to committee because the governor doesn't want him to(and we all know about that $20 Million PAC to primary those that don't listen to Lord Ruiner). Let that set in for a minute...even tho the courts have ruled that state employees are due the back pay because our contracts are just as sacrosanct as banksters, even tho this is a bipartisan endeavor that all support, Ruiner intimidates a representative to NOT do what is right by his, Sue Scherer's bill had to be approved quickly before the deadline ran out for this session.
Now, this Republican legislator has always worked for his constituency, his constituency was directly affected by the back pay issue. Yes, a back pay bill was approved to go to the floor, but all of a sudden, this became an us vs. them rather than a bill that was right and fair, all approved. Per capita, there are probably more people that will be effected by this bill in downstate areas(that are more republican) but Ruiner didn't want the Republican party, HIS party, attached to it.

Another report of Bullying(assholeness):
Bruce the Ruiner. although he hasn't filed a single piece of legislation during this session, he's posted his Turnaround Illinois bullet list on the gov's website. OK, he won, he can post whatever he wants, but, unlike running a company, you don't just get to make policy and it's Law. is inviting our elected representatives to have breakfast/lunch with him. During this time he's pressing what he feels is the right way for his ideology for Illinois. He doesn't have any real bills, he doesn't want his fingerprints on the wreckage of the middle class. So he just plays the game of, "I feel this is what is good" and good to him is to make the rich much richer and the rest of us? Have we read a Christmas Carol before Scrooge had a heart?
So the governor calls in 3-4 legislators in, dems and repubs. He gives them his speech about how great right to work zones would be and if prevailing wage is something of the past, we don't need no steenkin union wages, the reps ask the gov, where's your legislation, "well here's my proposal and you'll know what to do" and gives them his "Turnaround Illinois" manifesto that's on the governor's website. In one meeting, Ruiner met with 4 democratic  reps and a majority of them were also union members. His agenda was the right to work for less, getting rid of the pension protection, etc. Rauner tells the reps, we're not that far apart, I need 7 the lawmakers ask, where's your legislation? Rauner says to them, well, you'll know what I need, here's my plan, when you read this you'll be on board, you'll see; we're very close to being on the same page. When more questions are asked, he starts talking about how corrupt unions are, how unions are one of the reasons that businesses are leaving(which is another lie),etc. So, one of the reps states, "Governor, I'm a union member. What your plan has is damaging to my constituents and my fellow union members, I won't vote against them."
At this time, Ruiner gets very frustrated, the smile is gone and he looks at the rep and asks, "Do you know how many union members are in Illinois?" The rep answers, "About 11%" Ruiner hits the table with his hand and yells, "NO! (pound) 11(pound) point(pound) 4 percent!" Do you know how many union members will be in Illinois in 4 years?!! Zero(pound) point (pound) Zero!"
Sorry, I wasn't sure how to show his emphatic pounding on table to while trying to make his point. Now, actually, both Ruiner and the representative were wrong, About 15% of Illinois' working population are union workers, but the point is clear. All Rauner wants to do is to bring back a feudal system where the rich keep everything and we work until we die(or starve, guess that'd be OK in his world also).
Just like your normal, everyday sociopath......

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Bruce Ruiner: Crazier than a 3 Act Monty Python Play

OK, I'm having a bit of fun coming up with silly titles, bear with me, but they are apropos.

On February 9th, Rauner signed an executive order declaring that fair share is dead for public employees in Illinois because he doesn't believe that forcing non-union employees to pay union dues requires them to fund political activity they don't agree with, which they don't cuz it's illegal.

Really? Didn't he go to the King Ronnie Reagan bible school? Doesn't he know that King Ronnie signed into law that public employees union dues cannot be used in political campaigns?!?!?

We do have a voluntary PAC that we can donate to if we feel it's a good thing(yes, I do fact I just doubled my monthly donation a couple of months ago).

Or, maybe it's just that he doesn't really care about facts or truth, he just cares about getting his way because that's what he's done through out his business career, umm, Bruce? You're not in Kansas(Wall Street) any longer. This, my dear boy, is the real world where even lowly clericals get to have a say in their workplaces.

So, then he "hires" Dan Webb, from Winston and Strawn law firm(the law firm that Jim Thompson is also a partner) to fight the evil union thugs in court. Mr. Webb is so sure of this white knight of uber rich that he will do this "pro bono", yep folks, that's right for free. Free. Now, I know that some big, expensive law firms take on one or two pro bono jobs per year, but those are usually for people who can't afford to hire them. Let's remember that this is a governor that signs what is supposed to be a legal state document which is usually enforced by the attorney general. But this yahoo knight hires a private attorney?

ButButBut, there's MORE!
All of a sudden there is more movement--Lisa Madigan, the state Attorney General says this is a contractual matter and cannot be undone by an executive order. Leslie Munger, Illinois Comptroller, states that she will not break the law and will ignore the governor's executive order(and she's a republican that was appointed by said yahoo white knight) and lo and behold! Dan Webb backs out because his firm has some conflicts of wouldn't look very good that the firm already has private clients that are suing the state and now have a governor of the state suing the state?

Well, that's OK, cuz the White Knight Bruce accosted another buddy/attorney to take the case...Phil Beck, who's claim to fame is the Bush v Gore supreme court fight, which, even tho Gore won the popular vote(and the presidency), Beck was instrumental in the staged protests and BS to ensure a Bush presidency(and the demise of the middle class in America). They will shove this crap into the federal courts...but, wait a minute...if it's dealing with state law(which Bruce idiot is), doesn't that belong in state courts because of that 10th amendment? Oh, but I am talking about Bruce Almighty who thinks he's above the law...and playing the bi-polar governor....

Monday, February 9, 2015

Rauner: Cake for my buddies, Crumbs for the rest of Illinois!

Since Mr. Rauner took the governor's office in January, he's been giving his whiny stump speeches about how he didn't know how horrible the state finances were, he kept falling on the fainting couch, clutching his pearls, crying, "No one told me it was as bad as THIS!!!!" Guess he reads as much as Sarah Palin does if he didn't know some basic facts about Illinois' revenue stream. Remember this is someone who allegedly has a great education, has made millions, maybe even billions of dollars, but doesn't know that state of the state he's running in?
Or, is this just a ruse, blame Quinn, say he didn't know and then say, as he did before the polling numbers plummeted on his plans, that he needs to raise taxes(mainly on middle, working, lower class--you know the 90% of us that don't make our salary from capital gains and interest income)...oh, and even in this horrible state, cut taxes for the uber rich and corporations. How stupid are you if you didn't see this coming????
I think it may be time for an overview of what he's said and what he's done since took office:
Prior to office, said he wanted the general assembly and governor NOT to vote on anything that would effect his term, and, except for the death of Judy Barr Topinka, they didn't...and he's whined about it. He just found out that OMG! Illinois doesn't bring in enough revenue....and look at all these bills!
Prior to taking office(but again, after he saw the bashing unions hurt him in the primary), he said he wasn't going after unions. Now? He wants to shut down my right(as a public employee or retiree) to voice my opinion through political donations, cut wages with right to work for less wage zones, and started his "corrupt union bosses" lies...again.
Prior to taking office, he complained about medical marijuana being passed in Illinois, he felt he should have the right to set up a highest bidder scenario for the licenses, complained(loudly) that Quinn hadn't given out any licenses. So, he pushes through a bunch and, what?!?!!? Lo and behold, the applicants hadn't cleared the FBI background check...and one of the people who received a license to handle medical marijuana? A strip club owner who's had brushes with the law in the past...ewww. Maybe there was a reason that Quinn hadn't given out those licenses yet?
Prior to taking office(and since), Rauner yelled about the "overpaid" state employees...and now? He's paying his new, never held a state position, 38% more than Quinn paid his staff, including a chief of staff for his wife(at over $100K a year). His executive assistance is paid 96% more($135,000) than what Quinn paid his assistant($69,000). You can buy alotta cake with those dollars. Guess Rauner forgot that his staff's salaries were also a matter of public record...oops.
So, I keep hearing the Who's ballad,(and I'm paraphrasing), Here's the new boss, same(worse) as the old boss! But, yet, many will be fooled again.