OK, I'm having a bit of fun coming up with silly titles, bear with me, but they are apropos.
On February 9th, Rauner signed an executive order declaring that fair share is dead for public employees in Illinois because he doesn't believe that forcing non-union employees to pay union dues requires them to fund political activity they don't agree with, which they don't cuz it's illegal.
Really? Didn't he go to the King Ronnie Reagan bible school? Doesn't he know that King Ronnie signed into law that public employees union dues cannot be used in political campaigns?!?!?
We do have a voluntary PAC that we can donate to if we feel it's a good thing(yes, I do donate...in fact I just doubled my monthly donation a couple of months ago).
Or, maybe it's just that he doesn't really care about facts or truth, he just cares about getting his way because that's what he's done through out his business career, umm, Bruce? You're not in Kansas(Wall Street) any longer. This, my dear boy, is the real world where even lowly clericals get to have a say in their workplaces.
So, then he "hires" Dan Webb, from Winston and Strawn law firm(the law firm that Jim Thompson is also a partner) to fight the evil union thugs in court. Mr. Webb is so sure of this white knight of uber rich that he will do this "pro bono", yep folks, that's right for free. Free. Now, I know that some big, expensive law firms take on one or two pro bono jobs per year, but those are usually for people who can't afford to hire them. Let's remember that this is a governor that signs what is supposed to be a legal state document which is usually enforced by the attorney general. But this yahoo knight hires a private attorney?
ButButBut, there's MORE!
All of a sudden there is more movement--Lisa Madigan, the state Attorney General says this is a contractual matter and cannot be undone by an executive order. Leslie Munger, Illinois Comptroller, states that she will not break the law and will ignore the governor's executive order(and she's a republican that was appointed by said yahoo white knight) and lo and behold! Dan Webb backs out because his firm has some conflicts of interest...it wouldn't look very good that the firm already has private clients that are suing the state and now have a governor of the state suing the state?
Well, that's OK, cuz the White Knight Bruce accosted another buddy/attorney to take the case...Phil Beck, who's claim to fame is the Bush v Gore supreme court fight, which, even tho Gore won the popular vote(and the presidency), Beck was instrumental in the staged protests and BS to ensure a Bush presidency(and the demise of the middle class in America). They will shove this crap into the federal courts...but, wait a minute...if it's dealing with state law(which Bruce idiot is), doesn't that belong in state courts because of that 10th amendment? Oh, but I am talking about Bruce Almighty who thinks he's above the law...and playing the bi-polar governor....
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