Monday, July 2, 2012

ACA and the Supreme Court

Now, you must have known I'd have to do a post on this, right? I mean its the biggest thing since sliced bread so.....
 I'm glad that SCOTUS found the law "constitutional" , not doing backflips, but it is a step in the right direction, cuz we're moving towards what the rest of the 1st world countries have--health care for their citizens that doesn't throw them into bankruptcy if they get ill. That gives us more freedom and liberty rather than less. I would prefer(along with many others) single payer, but the ACA does give America some basic health care and gets rid of recission of insurance and so-called pre-existing conditions and some of the worst parts of Bush's poison pill Medicare, part D--the doughnut hole, Medicare Advantage and stronger law/enforcement on Medicare fraud.
I don't think that Roberts did this because he has seen the light and is trying to amend his ways. Nope, but I do have some other views on why he would do this:

  • He doesn't want history to remember the "Roberts Court" as the clown court--the Citizen's United being the most horrendous. The ACA decision allows historians to argue that Roberts was just looking out for the letter of the law.
  • He saw the writing on the wall, if ACA was turned over, single payer was closer, the left would be energized for the election and the right just can't excited about Romney.
  • Another small deal is Roberts own health issues--he has epilepsy(a pre-existing condition) and does understand some of the issues with our insurance corporations. OK, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one, but that is my happy clappy liberal way!

New battle cry for cons--abortion/gun control/gay marriage/religion. Facbook, among other places, has gone crazy--specially the right. Calling it a tax has the "right" energized for the election, to the point that McConnell is now saying that since its called a tax, when he becomes Senate leader, he will bring it to the floor under reconciliation(cannot be filibustered)...but President Obama can still veto I guess this one's really just a talking point.
But, again the right just isn't too swift on Romney. And that goes in the favor of sane voters.
Oh and lets not forget the mature words from Mike Malzone, founder of the Merrimac Tea Party of Merrimac NH. On Facebook, his status read, "I hope the 5 Supremes get colon cancer." Well, at least now, they are promised care!

1 comment:

  1. First the government forces health care on us. What is next? Are they going to force us to use polio vaccine, teach our children instead of sending them to clean toilets?
    As Americans we have the right to raise our children as ignorant consumers carrying guns.
