Thursday, July 12, 2012

So-call Physician Group Created By Conspiracy Teabagger

So many silly crazy lies. I did an article on the ACA decision and some guy quoted this so-called physician groups "survey" as truth from god...small g....but, surprises of surprises? This "group" is just another right wing front that tries to legitimize crazy ideas--all vaccines are bad, blames immigrants for spreading leprosy(actually its been proven to be armadillos), that Hillary Clinton killed Vince Foster, besides other crackpot conspiracy, this "group" "surveys"  by sending out online and FAXes to 17,000 doctors...a whole 699 
The survey was conducted by fax and online from April 18 to May 22, 2012. DPMAF obtained the office fax numbers of 36,000 doctors in active clinical practice, and 16,227 faxes were successfully delivered. Doctors were asked to return their completed surveys by fax, or online at a web address included in the faxed copy. Browser rules prevented doctors from filing duplicate surveys, and respondents were asked to provide personal identification for verification. The response rate was 4.3% for a total of 699 completed surveys.
Wow...less than 5%(and actually about 2.5% from the original pool) even bothered to respond, now, anyone who has done reputable surveys/polls or taken statistics would expect a larger amount of the respondents to answer...otherwise, throw out the poll and begin again, must be something wrong with it. Oh, but I did put in that nasty librul word---reputable.
Now, this has been zipping around the right wing alterworld that this is FACT--83% of doctors(that actually bothered to fill this out) are thinking about quitting medicine because of current changes in medical system!!! OK, so what part of the medical system? Ryan's plan to kill Medicare? Obamacare? Changes in technology? Changes in local regulations? See, it's not spelled as it would be in a reputable out so what were these doctors actually answering? And why do they only get 2 choices(plus unsure)? Professional pollsters gauge using a 5 point system which is the standard.
Another point that it might just be a junk poll? Brietbart, Drudge, Daily Caller and Faux news are the only ones that are jumping up and down about this--not CNN(Fox Lite), not ABC,NBC or CBS, all of which have taken up other talking points from the those sites in the past.
I really think its sad that people can be fooled by this crap, but when you don't check sources...or don't either have the knowledge or education to understand the basics about poll taking and sources(and most of the rest of the real world), its easy to understand how it happens, specially when many of the ones that follow Faux, etc. are older, less educated, fearful, people who prefer similar rather than diverse experiences, and/or have very little knowledge about how the United States was formed('cept for the canned versions)...its not surprising. Sad, but not surprising.

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