Wednesday, March 21, 2012

ACA and Protecting Women's Health

With all the crap and lies that have been going around about the ACA and women's health care, I hope this gets some notice as fact:
Fact: Insurance Companies Can’t Deny Coverage to Women. 
Although a new report by the National Women's Law Center really shows the bias against women by health insurance companies and denying women coverage due to "pre-existing" conditions, including acne, pregnancy and cancer, the ACA will ban this type of behavior by 2014. It already bans the excuse of pre-existing conditions in children.
Fact: Its your choice of doctor
All people, under this law have the freedom to keep their insurance, stay with their doctors. All Americans joining the new state insurance exchanges can choose any primary care provider in their health plan network, as well as an  OB-GYN, or pediatrician in their health plan’s network, or emergency care outside of the plan’s network, without a referral.
Fact: Preventative Care without Co-paysAll women(in fact, all people) may receive recommended preventive tests/screenins such as mammograms, Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, all Americans joining a new health care plan can receive recommended preventive services, like mammograms, new baby care and well-child visits, cervical cancer screening without co-pays. And yes, this includes birth control...even health insurers know that birth control costs them a lot less than pregnancies!
Fact: Insurance premiums will go down for Women As I began with the teaser on the report from the National Women's Law Center, women are discriminated against due to their gender by Insurance companies. This costs about $1 Billion annually! In 2014,discrimination by insurance companies due to gender will be illegal.
There are many other areas that affect all citizens, such as insurance companies having to spend at least 80% of premiums on health care, not on bonuses, salaries or junkets to Costa Rica!

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