Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Birthday ACA, and how it affects Seniors

March 23  marks the two year anniversary since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law and made health care reform a reality. The Alliance for Retired Amercans hosted about 30 events across the country to celebrate the anniversary - and the benefits for seniors were enacted by this bill.that come with it. While the whole week will celebrate the anniversary, March 19 is a day for all seniors to celebrate the ways that the ACA is improving their own lives.

When we hear people bad-mouth the new health law by derisively calling it ‘Obamacare,’ say, ‘Damn right! Obama cares for seniors – that is why his new law is closing the doughnut hole, lowering the cost of prescription drug costs, and helping seniors better afford their doctor visits and medical tests,’” said Edward F. Coyle, Executive Director of the Alliance.
There's been many lies by the right on what "ObamaCare" does to the American Health Care machine...I prefer dealing in facts and realities:
Fact: Cheaper prescription drugs for seniors. Since the ACA began, seniors have saved over $2 billion for medication coverage. President Obama and the Democratic led congress knew the burden that the Part D "Donut hole" had caused for many seniors. This has now been cut in half and will be gone by 2020.
Fact: Free vaccinations and screenings such as mammograms, prostate cancer screenings. All seniors are eligible to an annual "wellness" health check up with their doctor, which covers a multitude of tests/screenings, smoking cessation, nutritional information.
Fact: You choose your doctor. If the doctor that you want to see accepts Medicare, then you are covered. 
Fact: ACA reduces waste, fraud and abuse in Medicare which extends the life of the Medicare Trust Fund and ensures that seniors receive their "money's worth".
Fact: There are NO death panels in Medicare. This was an outright lie. If there are any type of death panels, it would be under the guise of insurance companies denying clients health care! 
So...if you are a senior and you are under the Medicare act, your health care has been strengthened by the Affordable Care Act...enjoy your new benefits and stay healthy! 

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