Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Introduction of a Union Thug

Hello, my name is Kim and I'm a union thug...or so it seems. In fact, I'm one of those sleezy union thugs that not only had the audacity to find a union job, but a cushy gomminent union job! The best of the best, Stateville Correctional Center in Illinois. We had the largest cockroaches I ever saw and when the cafeteria had "lunch meat" we'd count the ground hogs, trying to alleviate our fears of what type of meat we were being served. We fought hard and long for the benefits we had gave up raises, but no one speaks about that...doesn't fit in with right wing lies.
So, a little more about me. I've been politically active since about age 14, worked my first presidential campaign in 1971(for the 72 election). Even tho I was only able to walk the neighborhoods, handing out literature, manning the phones and answering questions about the candidates, I impressed many of the older volunteers because I knew some of the issues and where the candidates stood on issues. Before I could vote, I was an informed voter. I tip my hat to my father for teaching me that, but I think he and I had much more in common than the rest of my family.
I began working at Stateville in 1980 and became involved with AFSCME, our union within the first year of hire. I held offices, assisted with the newsletter(and that was before desktop publishing), went to lobby days and helped on political campaigns. I am now the president of my local subchapter of retirees and still fighting the good fight...or at least trying to ensure that my members who only receive a pension(no social security) are protected, along with us that have coordinated benefits.
I have 2 children and 4 grandchildren. Why can't we skip the "child" part and go straight to the "grandchild" part, they listen so much more to me than the first 2! But I guess they are the payment for having to put up with their parents...and it is fun when my children complain about their children....I just laugh and laugh...
I also have 3 German Wirehaired Pointers and a husband and we drive each other crazy in a loving way. 
We live in "yuppieville", DuPage County in Illinois. Besides trying to get my blog read, I have a degree in MIS and a certificate in Graphic Design, which I try to use this to make a bit of money...
I describe myself as a bleeding heart liberal feminist---that shoots straight(had to for my job); yes liberals do own firearms, we just believe in some basic safety facts.
So, will I have a liberal bias? OF COURSE! I am a working person, I am of the 99% I want the little people have as much of a voice, if not more, than the 1%, the banksters and the corporations. And, if you make less than $500K, you really need to decide how you can vote republican and vote against your best interests.
Hope you enjoy this little idea of mine! Thanks for reading.

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